Raw GPS signal samples data set for testing GPS receivers
Fellow New Zealander Mike Field has been developing his own GPS processing software using this
data set as input. He sent us a calculated position and some NAV frame data.
Thanks Mike!
Time parameters for Space Vehicle 1
This may be helpful for verifying that you are decoding NAV frame 1 messages correctly
Week No 1608 (note - 1023 has been added) Accuracy 0 Health 63 IDOC 29 T_gd = -1.909211277961731e-008; T_oc = 468000; a_f2 = 0; a_f1 = -3.637978807091713e-012; a_f0 = -0.00018144771456718445;
iode 0x1D M0 = 0.62771227171855348; delta_n = 4.5551897419368644e-009; e = 0.0044012551661580801; sqrt_A = 5153.5262393951416; omega_0 = 0.54383810776010433; i_0 = 0.96682775824546008; w = 0.94870461852108878; omega_dot = -8.1653401191908879e-009; idot = -5.7502395205569635e-011; Cuc = -3.6451965570449829e-006; Cus = 6.5993517637252808e-006; Crc = 254.875; Crs = -73.15625; Cic = 1.3038516044616699e-008; Cis = 1.3038516044616699e-008; Toe = 468000;(note - this may still have some minor errors in the correction factors)
T (raw) : 466728.880214 T (corrected) : 466728.880396 X : 10716730.587792 Y : -11197225.083927 Z : 21436792.054187
Raw GPS signal sample data can be a little hard to find on the net. Here is a 56 MB file containing about 77 seconds of data:
It was copied and re-formatted from Michele Bavaro's excellent GPS blog, although the file is not there now:
The parameters of the file are: 1-bit sign I-only data (not I&Q, not 2 or 3-bit sign & magnitude), bit-packed Little Endian (i.e. start with bit 0 of byte 0), sample rate fs = 5.456 MHz, IF = 4.092 MHz (i.e. not a zero-IF signal -- you have to mix (xor) with 4.092 MHz in addition to the C/A code). As Michele's post mentions if your decoding works you should get a lat/lon position in Nottingham, UK.
I used this file as input to a software simulation I wrote of the FPGA tracking parts of Andrew Holme's wonderful homemade GPS receiver documented here: aholme.co.uk/GPS
Just using Andrew's FFT-based C++ search code alone immediately finds five signals:
SV-0 PRN-1 lo_shift 6 ca_shift 1465 snr 108.7
SV-20 PRN-21 lo_shift 8 ca_shift 686 snr 121.7
SV-28 PRN-29 lo_shift -9 ca_shift 3868 snr 167.2
SV-29 PRN-30 lo_shift -9 ca_shift 2998 snr 145.2
SV-30 PRN-31 lo_shift -8 ca_shift 2337 snr 121.3