CIC filter register pruning utility
By request, here is the
C language utility
from the
KiwiSDR project
that is a translation of
Rick Lyons' Matlab implementation[1]
of Hogenauer's CIC filter register pruning algorithm.
At the output of a CIC filter, when you use fewer than the full number of bits in the integrator/comb stages,
there is a certain amount of noise generated. This is due to quantization error introduced when
the low-order bits are truncated. Hogenauer's original
CIC paper[2] showed how this error can be back-propagated up through the comb and integrator stages, successively
shortening the register length of each stage just to the point of maintaining the error level (but not adding to it).
As an example here is the output of the program for an N=5 stage CIC with decimation R=16, Bin=24 bits in and
Bout=16 bits out. The register length normally required is acc_max = Bin + ceil(N * log2(R)) or 44 in this case.
Right away the first integrator stage only has to be 36 bits instead of 44. From there the lengths decrease
with the last comb stage only being 19 bits from which the 16 bit output is taken.
"cic_test.vh" INTEG_COMB N=5 R=16 M=1 Bin=24 Bout=16
growth 20 = ceil(N=5 * log2(R=16))
Bin 24 + growth 20 = acc_max 44
stage Fj Bj acc trunc
integ1 large 8 36 0
integ2 large 12 32 4
integ3 large 16 28 4
integ4 185.3 18 26 2
integ5 33.5 21 23 3
comb1 15.9 22 22 1
comb2 8.4 23 21 1
comb3 4.5 24 20 1
comb4 2.4 25 19 1
comb5 1.4 25 19 0
out0 1.0 28 16 3
wire signed [IN_WIDTH-1:0] in = ...;
wire signed [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] out;
`include "cic_test.vh"
// generated file
// CIC: INTEG_COMB N=5 R=16 M=1 Bin=24 Bout=16
// growth 20 = ceil(N=5 * log2(R=16))
// Bin 24 + growth 20 = acc_max 44
wire signed [35:0] integrator0_data;
wire signed [35:0] integrator1_data;
wire signed [31:0] integrator2_data;
wire signed [27:0] integrator3_data;
wire signed [25:0] integrator4_data;
wire signed [22:0] integrator5_data;
wire signed [22:0] comb0_data;
wire signed [21:0] comb1_data;
wire signed [20:0] comb2_data;
wire signed [19:0] comb3_data;
wire signed [18:0] comb4_data;
wire signed [18:0] comb5_data;
// important that "in" be declared signed by wrapper code
// so this assignment will sign-extend:
assign integrator0_data = in;
cic_integrator #(.WIDTH(36)) cic_integrator1_inst(
.in_data(integrator0_data[35 -:36]), // trunc 0 bits
cic_integrator #(.WIDTH(32)) cic_integrator2_inst(
.in_data(integrator1_data[35 -:32]), // trunc 4 bits
cic_integrator #(.WIDTH(28)) cic_integrator3_inst(
.in_data(integrator2_data[31 -:28]), // trunc 4 bits
cic_integrator #(.WIDTH(26)) cic_integrator4_inst(
.in_data(integrator3_data[27 -:26]), // trunc 2 bits
cic_integrator #(.WIDTH(23)) cic_integrator5_inst(
.in_data(integrator4_data[25 -:23]), // trunc 3 bits
assign comb0_data = integrator5_data;
cic_comb #(.WIDTH(22)) cic_comb1_inst(
.in_data(comb0_data[22 -:22]), // trunc 1 bits
cic_comb #(.WIDTH(21)) cic_comb2_inst(
.in_data(comb1_data[21 -:21]), // trunc 1 bits
cic_comb #(.WIDTH(20)) cic_comb3_inst(
.in_data(comb2_data[20 -:20]), // trunc 1 bits
cic_comb #(.WIDTH(19)) cic_comb4_inst(
.in_data(comb3_data[19 -:19]), // trunc 1 bits
cic_comb #(.WIDTH(19)) cic_comb5_inst(
.in_data(comb4_data[18 -:19]), // trunc 0 bits
assign out = comb5_data[18 -:16]; // trunc 3 bits